Slow-Pitch Softball Leagues
All ages beyond tee ball are slow-pitch softball games. League registration is based on the current grade at registration. All games are held at Deerwood Park at 5:30, 6:30, or 7:30. All teams will have a pre-season and mid-season tournament. Tournaments appear on the CVYSA Season Calendar.
Little League

Players will learn pitching techniques and pitch their own games. This is a coed league and play on Mondays and Wednesdays. Grades: 2-3
Junior Leauge

Girls play Monday/Wednesday; boys play Tuesday/Thursday. Grades: 4-5
Senior League

Boys play Mondays/Wednesdays; girls play Tuesday/Thursday. Grades 6-8
Mixed League
Mixed League teams are guy/girl youth teams for 9th-12th graders or up to the age of 18. Mixed league plays Mondays and Wednesdays. There is no pre-season tournament but will have one tournament near the end of their season.